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Is it okay if I wear tights instead of compression socks?

Tights, tight pantyhose  and skinny jeans, known as skinny jeans, are not suitable to be used as an alternative to compression stockings. Compression stockings are specially designed to regulate blood circulation in the legs. The pressure they apply to the leg is gradual, pressure is highest at the ankle and decreases towards the calf and thigh (upper leg). Compression stockings with gradual pressure structure help the leg muscles to move the blood accumulated around the ankle upwards. Legs like tights 0000111_ is a gradual pressure structure   Since there is no varicose vein, they do not help reduce complaints such as pain, fatigue, swelling and cramping due to varicose veins. They even squeeze the leg uncontrollably, causing blood to accumulate in the lower part of the leg and may cause varicose vein complaints to increase even more.

  •   If you have a complaint about varicose veins, you can find out which compression socks are right for you by being examined by a cardiovascular surgeon who is an expert in his field.

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